27 November 2013

Control Drama’s
Human beings are addicted to drama, which they create either consciously or on a subconscious level. Why do we create drama? As energy beings, we are constantly looking to acquire more energy.
A control drama, as depicted in The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, is played by anyone who is low on spiritual energy, to manipulate and steal the energy of another.  This spiritual energy is absolutely critical for our survival, and lack thereof is the prime cause of ALL conflict in the world.
When two people begin an interaction, their energy fields merge into one and there comes the issue of, who is going to control this energy?  If one can get the other to accept their point of view, and see the world as he see’s it, then he has captured both energies, resulting in an instant feeling of euphoria, power, and security.
All of these positive feelings are won at the expense of another person, who then feels off center, anxious and drained of energy. All of these control drama's originate from your childhood, as a defensive measure to counteract the control drama's that your parents played to steal energy from you.

There are 4 types of control drama's:
- Intimidator
- Interrogator
- Aloof
- ‘Poor Me’

For many kids growing up, one or both parents would take a stance of intimidation, and entice their child into feeling afraid and powerless. 
 They would yell at you, scream at you, and ultimately send you to your room, leaving you feeling weak, powerless and drained of energy.
Struggles like these can often be very intense and even traumatic for a child, and as a result, you developed your own control drama to fight back for that energy.  Most respond at first with a 'poor me' drama, where one creates a guilt trip for the intimidator, and if they respond to this, the child will get energy in return, and will continue using that style of control drama throughout their life.
But if the 'poor me' posture goes unnoticed, the only remaining option for the child is to explode into an intimidator themselves, in attempts to regain their stolen energy.  Once this works, the child will exploit the intimidator stance regularly when they're low on energy.
An intimidator may be a very loud and talkative person who tries to force you to give them your attention (energy) by listening to what they have to say. 
They may also be the type of person, who leaves you finding yourself looking over your shoulder, to see where they are and what they will do next.  Devoting your conscious attention to figuring out where someone is, or what they will do, creates a flow of energy to that person. 

An Interrogator is someone who criticizes another, probing, into their world with the specific purpose of finding something wrong.
Once this is found they pounce, and criticize this aspect of another’s life. This type of control  drama will leave you feeling self-conscious around the interrogator, wondering what they are thinking.
If your parents acted this way, you may have interrogated in return, or developed the aloof’s front – lacking concern and sympathy – in hopes they would feel like the interrogation is falling and a resultant energy transfer would occur in your favor. Whichever one worked on your parents would be the same one you use prevalently throughout your life, to this very day.

The aloof control drama is perpetrated by distancing oneself from situations and spontaneously acting out to gather people's attention and energy. 
If your parents were distant from you as a child, you were not receiving enough of the nurturing, and loving energy as a child may require. 
The control drama you may have developed to end the distancing would most likely be that of The Interrogator.  You would criticize a characteristic or behavior of theirs to end the distancing, and subsequently, steal the energy you needed from them.

Poor Me
The 'Poor Me' drama is characterized by creating a guilt-trip towards another person, in turn making them feel at fault, resulting in the much-desired transfer of energy. 
Typically, this type of person is quiet, often anxiously waiting for someone to come and ask them what's wrong. 
If someone does come and ask what's wrong, this attention is then exchanged.  Attention is energy; thoughts are energy; and thus, somebody thinking of you translates into energy received.
If this doesn't work for the person, often one will attempt the Aloof control drama until their 'energy tank' is replenished, and their insecurities are temporarily forgotten.  
The Bottom Line: There is a constant battle between people to steal each other's energy.  This matter of energy is the cause of
ALL conflict in the world and the reason that people feel the need to control others.  No human being can evolve until they become consciously aware of the drama they use to manipulate others for energy.

What drama or drama's you use (it could be more than one) to manipulate for energy?

Source: stoptherobbery.com - Accelerating Human Evolution

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